Could you please execute the following steps on a Windows workstation (they are tested and verified to work on a Windows 10 workstation):
o Take a screenshot of for your external IP address
o Take a screenshot of this command (open up a command window in Windows via "cmd"):
tracert -4
o Take a screenshot of your browser's display of ""
o Install 64-bit openssl and run it (for Windows 8 and above):
- Download the simple installer for 64-bit Windows from or
- Click on the installer in your "Downloads" folder
- Take a screenshot of this command (open up a command window in Windows via "cmd" - the exact path of the "openssl.exe" program might vary):
C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe s_client -connect
o Install 32-bit openssl and run it (for Windows 7 and below):
- Download the simple installer for 32-bit Windows from or
- Click on the installer in your "Downloads" folder
- Take a screenshot of this command (open up a command window in Windows via "cmd" - the exact path of the "openssl.exe" program might vary):
C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.exe s_client -connect |